Before launching any action in the Suzy platform, you’ll be prompted to determine who should qualify for your question or survey. Every action in Suzy has the same targeting capabilities, and there are a few key functions that can shape a target audience for research on Suzy:
Retargeting is the ability to target an action back to respondents who participated in a previously launched action, like a Screening Survey. With retargeting, you can choose who you want your action sent to based on which actions they've participated in or which answers they've chosen in previous actions.
- To retarget an action, go to the Audience page for your new action and click into the Previous Targeting button on the top left.
- A pop-up window will prompt you to choose the action you’d like to target back to, where you’ll use OR, AND and NOT logic to identify the group(s) you want to talk to.
View our comprehensive guide to retargeting.
Built-in demographics
Every time a new member signs up for Crowdtap, we capture a series of demographic data points as part of their onboarding to take Suzy surveys. These demographics are then built into their user profiles, which means they’re also built into the Suzy platform. These include age, gender, ethnicity, region*, state, income, education level, employment status, household size, parenting status and relationship status.
- To target our built-in demographics, go to the Audience page for your new action and click into the Demographics drop down.
- Check mark the demographics you’d like to target.
- The subgroups of your chosen demographic(s) will appear in the center of the page. Check mark your desired subgroups.
*Regions are defined as Northeast (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT, NJ, NY, PA), Midwest (IN, IL, MI, OH, WI, IA, NE, KS, ND, MN, SD, MO), South (DE, DC, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV, AL, KY, MS, TN, AR, LA, OK, TX), and West (AZ, CO, ID, NM, MO, UT, NV, WY, AL, CA, HI, OR, WA)
Learn more about targeting our built-in demographics and creating quotas with our built-in demographics.
Saved audiences
Saved audiences are custom audiences you can create by leveraging our built-in demographics and previous action targeting. Saved audiences are best leveraged for more complex audiences that you target often, as they can save you time.
- To target a saved audience, go to the Audience page for your new action and click into the Presets drop down, then check mark Saved Audiences.
- A search bar will appear in the center of the page, which will pre-populate with your 10 most recently created saved audiences. If you don’t see the audience you’re looking for, you can begin to type in its name and it will populate.
- Select your desired saved audience.
Learn how to save an audience.
Quotas allow you to specify and control the sample composition of an action. With Suzy, you can create interlocked or non-interlocked quotas with built-in demographics, segments, panels, Auto-Assign groups, or previously launched questions.
- To set quotas for an action, go to the Audience page for your action and click into the Quotas button on the top left.
- In the Quotas page, you can add up to 6 quotas with up to 4 interlocked attributes each. Use the dropdown(s) to add 1+ attribute type to your quota. Click Save Quotas.
- In Audience page, you can then enter the percentages for your quotas.
View a comprehensive guide to using quotas.
Segments are distinct groups of consumers based on a series of psychographic, demographic, behavioral, and/or attitudinal characteristics, where they're classified by a typing tool. With Suzy, you can integrate an existing typing tool into the platform, or we can create one for you with Dynamic Segmentation.
- To target 1+ of your segments, go to the Audience page for your new action and click into the Presets drop down, then check mark Segments.
- A search bar will appear in the center of the page, which will pre-populate with any segmentations available in your dashboard.
- Check mark your desired segments.
Learn more about targeting segments and creating quotas with segments.
View our comprehensive guide to finding your audience in Suzy.