Before sharing showreels or results from VOEs, in-depth interviews or focus groups, it’s important to note that these assets and methodologies involve a video recording of participants’ faces, which is considered sensitive personal information and needs to be treated with care.
Avoiding the collection of personal information (PI) is important to ensure the data protection of respondents. To help you understand what can and cannot be shared, below are some FAQs on sharing video insights internally and/or externally. For more information, read our video privacy notice to respondents.
Will personal information (PI) be transferred to me when I launch a VOE or conduct a Suzy Live interview?
Yes. Any video recording will involve the transfer of respondent personal information to you, the client. This is reflected in Suzy and Crowdtap privacy policies. If you do not wish to receive personal information, you should not initiate a VOE or conduct a Suzy Live interview.
Does Suzy ask respondents for consent?
Yes. We ask respondents for their specific consent before they participate in any video recordings, explaining that the recording will be shared with our client (you). We provide respondents with a link to the privacy policy and our notice specific to video open ends. We assume responsibility for holding and keeping respondents’ personal information in compliance with privacy laws until onward transfer to you.
Why do I have to check a disclaimer box before downloading VOEs or Suzy Live interviews and clips?
Because VOE actions and Suzy Live interviews capture a respondent’s face and voice, they need to be treated with special care under data protection laws. We’ve included the download prompt as a reminder that the responses and recordings you download should be handled in compliance with privacy and security laws (for example, access controls).
What can I share internally?
You can share insights with your internal teams, assuming your internal policies and company’s applicable data laws permit it; however, it is critical that such content refrains from containing prohibited respondent PI. For example, use a screener to obtain special consent if you want to use and share sensitive personal information. At this time, protected health and financial information cannot be collected or shared.
What can I share externally? Can I share a clip on social media?
Video recordings may be used for brand research and insights, advertising, and/or promotions per our Terms of Service with respondents. Social media is allowed according to our terms. You should check with your own legal team to make sure you don’t need a specific release from respondents (there is a release in our member Terms of Service, but not every legal team deems that sufficient). If your company needs a specific/additional release, Suzy can help facilitate that. Please reach out to your CSM to begin that process.
What can’t I share?
You should not capture or share any video containing prohibited respondent PI. Note that categories of PI vary by jurisdiction. Please review the materials on our Trust Center for more information.
Are VOEs and Suzy Live interviews HIPAA Compliant?
No. VOEs and Suzy Live interviews are not HIPAA compliant at this time.
What do respondents agree to?
Respondents agree to our Terms of Service, privacy policy, and biometric data policy, which tell them that the videos they are in will be used by Suzy clients, whose identity the respondent may never know. They give additional consent related to the capture of their face when they opt in to participating in VOEs and Suzy Live interviews. Respondents are asked to follow certain guidelines before participating, including (1) not including others in the video, (2) wearing appropriate clothing, and (3) making sure personal information is not in view.
Can respondents withdraw their consent?
Yes. Respondents are given various controls over their privacy related to video open ends, including the ability to skip questions and the ability to submit an “opt out” request to Suzy using a data subject request form.
Can a respondent ask for a video to be deleted?
Yes. Respondents have certain rights related to their personal information under data protection laws, including the right to ask to have their personal information deleted. Because video responses inherently involve some personal information, respondents can ask Suzy to delete their video recordings. Suzy processes such privacy requests in compliance with applicable laws and will communicate requests to the client under the terms of the client’s agreement with Suzy and/or applicable law.
What happens if a respondent accidentally shares PI that wasn’t intentionally asked for?
If a respondent accidentally shares prohibited PI in a recording that you didn’t ask for, please reach out to support.