If you’re having trouble logging into app.suzy.com, live.suzy.com, or academy.suzy.com, you can follow this guide to help troubleshoot or escalate your issue.
Troubleshooting for Suzy and Suzy Live
If you see an error message when attempting to log into Suzy or Suzy Live, there may be an issue with your account or access permissions.
Error message: Your password is incorrect
This error message will appear if you’re attempting to log in with incorrect credentials. If this is your first time logging in, and you’re using temporary credentials:
✔ Make sure there are no additional spaces before or after your temporary password
✔ Double check you’re using the correct case for any letters (passwords are case-sensitive)
✔ Try manually typing in your temporary password rather than pasting it
If this is not your first time logging in:
✔ Click Forgot my password to get a password reset link sent to the email address associated with your account
Error message: The user account cannot access this resource
This error message will appear if you have Suzy credentials, but you do not yet have access to a dashboard.
Error message: The user account does not exist
This error message will appear if you do not yet have a Suzy account. Reach out to your CSM to get a set of temporary credentials. The platform will prompt you to set up a password upon initial login. If you’ve already received temporary credentials and you’re still receiving this error, confirm your email address was spelled correctly.
Error message: The user account is inactive or disabled
This error message will appear if your account has been mistakenly banned.
Error message: You’re trying to login from outside the United States, which is generally restricted
This error message will appear if you’re attempting to access Suzy from a non-US IP address or a VPN.
If you encounter any of the above issues, please reach out to your CSM or submit a ticket.