Once you’ve completed the initial set-up, you can now set-up your audience more in-depth with quotas and additional profiling.
Audience Quotas Section
Within this section you can set quotas based on Region, Gender, and Age.
- Use the purple toggle to turn on/off quotas for each of these metrics.
- If you do not specify quotas (toggle off), the survey will rely on natural fallout for that metric.
- Additionally when it comes to your quotas you have the option to interlock them or keep them as distinct quotas. Interlocking quotas gives greater control over sample composition, but generally take longer to fill.
- You can interlock a maximum of 2 demographic quotas (ex: age and gender, gender and region.)
- Quotas do not impact your pricing but they may impact the feasibility of your study.
Editing Quotas after Launch:
If a mission is in a ‘live’ or ‘paused’ state a user can amend previously defined quotas that were set up upon launch of a mission.
- From the Action List or Insights Explorer a user can navigate to the “Details” tab which contains information about the mission, including quotas.
- If you would like to utilize the edit quotas feature you can click into the pencil icon.
- If a project is in the ‘live’ state you will be prompted to ‘pause’ your survey before proceeding. Please note that if there are respondents actively completing your survey, they will be given the option to finish and therefore may impact the complete count that you are working to edit.
Editing the quotas:
- The individual quotas must be greater than the current complete count within that quota.
- The sum of all of the quotas must add up to the total quota at the top of the modal
- You cannot add or remove quotas, you may only manipulate pre-existing quotas that you defined during the setup of the mission
- Once your quotas and overall sums add up, click “apply and save” to resume fielding with your updated desired quotas
Additional Profiling Section
- For each country you have access to a list of profile attributes that respondents have previously filled out. We recommend utilizing this to help cut down on screener questions.
- Select any profiling attribute you’re interested in. For a full list of profiling attributes by country, please click here.
- Note that while you can target these profiling, they will not be available to crosstab data within the platform. You will receive all profiling data in your raw data files.
- You can target respondents by selecting the appropriate question and answer choice. If you don't want to target by these items but would still like the data appended to the data set then check the boxes to select each question and do NOT select answer choices. This will append all selected profiling points into your raw horizontal files.
Who will Qualify to Take This Survey Section
- To better estimate the cost and feasibility of the survey, input the expected incidence rate (IR) for the project. If you know the typical IR for the audience, select where it typically falls on the scale.
- Niche: 10-29% IR
- Moderate: 30-49% IR
- Broad: 50-100% IR
- If you don’t know the IR for your project, Suzy will set a default of 50-100% IR. The survey will launch and automatically pause after ~85 starts if your survey IR comes in lower. You'll be asked to approve the lower IR (and thus higher CPI) before the survey can continue to field.
- The updated cost will go into effect on the completes after the lower IR (higher CPI) is accepted. Any completes that came in during those first 85 starts will keep the initial CPI set by you based off initial IR bid.
- If IR is aligned the project will continue fielding without any pause or action needed on your end.
Once you have set your audience, you are ready to move onto the Questions page*!
*If you are running a monadic study, you will need to upload your concepts first before moving onto Questions. For a guide on uploading concepts, click here!