Quotas allow you to specify and control the sample composition of an action.
Custom Quotas
Quotas allow you to specify and control the sample composition of an action. With Suzy, you can create interlocked or non-interlocked quotas with built-in demographics, segments, panels, Auto-Assign groups, or previously launched questions.
- To set quotas for an action, go to the Audience page for your action and click into the Quotas button on the top left.
- In the Quotas page, you can add up to 6 quotas with up to 4 interlocked attributes each. Use the dropdown(s) to add 1+ attribute type to your quota. Click Save Quotas.
- In Audience page, you can then enter the percentages for your quotas.
View a comprehensive guide to using quotas.
Preset Quotas and Nat-rep
In every dashboard, we have included a series of preset quotas for national representation or nat-rep. All dashboards will have nat-rep quotas for ages 15+, 18+ and 21+, but we can also create custom preset quotas free of charge. Reach out to your CSM if you have a custom preset quota you’d like programmed into your dashboard.
What is nat-rep? If you are looking to generalize your findings to the larger US population, it’s often useful to target a nationally representative sample by using nat-rep quotas. Having a nat-rep sample is especially important when you want to understand consumer behavior or attitudes at a national level.
- To implement preset or nat-rep quotas, go to the Audience page for your new action and click into the Presets drop down, then check mark Preset Quotas.
- A search bar will appear in the center of the page, which will pre-populate with all preset quotas available in your dashboard.
- Select the preset or nat-rep quota you’d like to use.
View a comprehensive guide to using quotas.